Mountwest Board of Governors

Policy Governance

Board Ends

The Institutional Board of Governors of Mountwest Community & Technical College has identified the following goals as their board ends:


The Institutional Board of Governors will become fully functional under the Policy Governance approach and philosophy.


The Institutional Board of Governors will increase their engagement with the community on behalf of the college, including activity through these possible avenues:

  • Legislative – state and local
  • Community leaders and organizations
  • Speakers’ Bureau
  • Networking with other boards
  • A.C.C.T. activity

All Institutional Board of Governors members will contribute to the Mountwest Foundation on an annual basis and will actively raise awareness and promote the foundation in the community.

College Ends

The Institutional Board of Governors of Mountwest Community & Technical College has identified the following end statement for the college:

District residents have the knowledge or skill sets necessary to successfully create or become employed in local enterprises or to proceed to further education at a level of accomplishment worth the total cost.

1. Health, Technical and Service Industries

2. Business skills – Entrepreneurship

3. Access to 4 year colleges

Institutional Board of Governors Policies

The Governance Process

Policy #1:  Governing Style – Revised  01/21/2016
Policy #2:  Board Job Contributions – Revised 08/18/2016
Policy #3:  Chairperson’s Role – Revised 08/18/2016
Policy #4:  Board Members Code of Conduct – Revised 08/18/2016
Policy #5:  Committee Principles – Revised 08/18/2016

Executive Limitations

Policy #1:  General Executive Constraint – Revised  08/18/2016
Policy #2:  Staff Treatment  – Revised  08/18/2016
Policy #3:  Compensation & Benefits – Revised  08/18/2016
Policy #4:  Financial Condition – Revised  08/18/2016
Policy #5:  Asset Protection – Revised  08/18/2016
Policy #6:  Communication & Support to the Board – Revised  08/18/2016

Board/CEO Relationship

Policy #1:  Delegation to the CEO – Revised 08/18/2016
Policy #2:  CEO Job Contribution – Revised 08/18/2016
Policy #3:  Monitoring CEO Performance – Revised 08/18/2016

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